[ P O S T E R ]  


10th  Joint Scientific Meeting of The Royal College of Radiologists ( RCR ) &

Hong Kong College of Radiologists ( HKCR )

31st Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Radiologists

 Date    18th -19th November 2023   ( Saturday & Sunday )

   The Royal College of Radiologists


   Hong Kong College of Radiologists

Event Website





   c/o  Seamless Communications Company Limited
   Tel :   (852) 3612 4966   
   E-mail :   hkcr.asm@seamlesshk.com

[ Poster ]



¤¤   2023   A I R P   Course   in   Hong   Kong   ¤¤

 Date   26-28  May 2023   (Friday  to  Sunday)

 Venue  Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR
 Organizers    ACR Institute for Radiologic Pathology (AIRP) and
 Hong Kong College of Radiologists (HKCR)
 Website  https://www.hkcr.org/news.php/events_list/cid,1/nid,174

 Hong Kong College of Radiologists

 Room 909, 9/F
 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building

 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road
 Aberdeen,  Hong Kong SAR
 Tel :    (852) 2871 8788
 Fax :  (852) 2554 0739

 E-mail :  admin@hkcr.org
 Homepage :  https://www.hkcr.org


[ Poster ]   [ Course ]


  30th Annual Scientific Meeting of

 Hong Kong College of Radiologists

   V I R T U A L    M E E T I N G  

 Date  12 -13  November 2022 
 ( Saturday & Sunday )

  Hong Kong College of Radiologists

Event Website &





 Hong Kong College of Radiologists
 Room 909, 9/F, 
 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
 Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen
 Hong Kong SAR

 Tel :   (852) 2871 8788
 Fax :  (852) 2554 0739   
 E-mail :   enquiries@hkcr.org
 Homepage :  www.hkcr.org

Programme  P O S T E R


 [ P O S T E R ]   [  PROGRAMME Flyer  ]


9th  Joint Scientific Meeting of The Royal College of Radiologists &
Hong Kong College of Radiologists

29th Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Radiologists

   V I R T U A L    M E E T I N G  

 Date  13 -14  November  2021   ( Saturday & Sunday )

 The Royal College of Radiologists and
 Hong Kong College of Radiologists

Event Website &






 Hong Kong College of Radiologists
 Room 909, 9/F,  Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen
 Hong Kong SAR

 Tel :   (852) 2871 8788             Fax :   (852) 2554 0739   
 E-mail :   enquiries@hkcr.org
 Homepage :  www.hkcr.org


<<  Poster >>


 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Radiologists
(V  i r t u a l   M e e t i n g )

 Date   14th -15th  November  2020   ( Saturday & Sunday )
 Organizer   Hong Kong College of Radiologists (HKCR)
 Event  Website   https://hkcr.org/news.php/events_list/cid,0/nid,178
 Online  Registration   https://www.seamless-reg.com/comp_reg/ASM/home/importantdates/

 Hong Kong College of Radiologists
 Room 909, 9/F., Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR

 Tel :  (852) 2871 8788                          Fax :  (852) 2554 0739
 E-mail :   enquiries@hkcr.org
 Homepage :   www.hkcr.org


[ First Announcement ]    [ Poster ]




2020   A I R P   C o u r s e   i n   H o n g   K o n g

 Date   10th - 12th  July 2020   (Friday  to  Sunday)

Venue  Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR
Organizers    Hong Kong College of Radiologists (HKCR)
 American Institute for Radiological Pathology (AIRP)
Contact  /


 AIRP Website :  https://airp.org

 Course Website :
 Online Registration :
 E-mail :  admin@hkcr.org
 E-mail :  airphk2020@seamlesshk.com


[ Poster ]  [ Programme ]


8th  Joint Scientific Meeting of The Royal College of Radiologists &
Hong Kong College of Radiologists
27th Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Radiologists

 Date  16th -17th  November  2019   ( Saturday & Sunday )

 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen
, Hong Kong SAR


 Online  Registration  :
 Conference  Information  :




 8th JSM of RCR & HKCR 2019 Event Secretariat
 c/o Seamless Communications Company Limited
 Room A04,  13/F,  Manning Industrial Building
 116-118 How Ming Street,  Kwun Tong, Kowloon
 Hong Kong SAR, China

 Tel :    (852) 3612 4968
 E-mail :   asm2019@seamlesshk.com

[ Poster ]  [ Registration ]   [ Programme ]


9th   IDKD   Intensive   Course   in   Hong   Kong

" Diseases of the Abdomen and Pelvis "

 Date   24-26  May 2019   (Friday  to  Sunday)

Venue  Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)
 Level 4, 1 Expo Drive,  Wanchai,  Hong Kong SAR
Organizers    IDKD ( International Diagnostic Course Davos )
 HKU ( University of Hong Kong )
 HKCR ( Hong Kong College of Radiologists ) 
Contact  /

 Online Registration Website :  www.idkd.org
 Travel Agent :
 Connexus Travel Limited
 Unit 501, 5/F, Tower B, Manulife Financial Centre
 233 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
 Hong Kong
 Tel :    (852) 3151 8819
 Fax :   (852) 3154 6324

 E-mail :   idkd-hk2019@connexustravel.com
 Website :   http://www.idkd.org

[ Announcement ]  [ Programme ]  [ Poster ]


 Organizers  Asia Oceania Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (AOFNMB)
Chinese Nuclear Society of Nuclear Medicine
Editorial Board of the Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Shanghai University of Medicine &
Health Sciences

Telephone :   +86-21-6495-9951-150
Email :   secretariat@asiannmschool.org

[ Poster ]


 Date   December 1,  2018   ( Saturday )
 Venue   Harcourt Room, Lower Lobby, Conrad Hotel, Pacific Place
  88 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong
 Registration   Email :  hkaes2018@gmail.com   (Jess Leung)  by Nov 29, 2018

[ Agenda  &  Registration Form ]


26th  Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Radiologists

 Date  17-18  November  2018   ( Saturday & Sunday )

 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road,
Wanchai,  Hong Kong SAR

 Organizer    Hong Kong College of Radiologists






 Online  Registration  :

 Hong Kong College of Radiologists
 Room 909,  9/F
 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR
 Tel :    (852) 2871 8788
 Fax :   (852) 2554 0739
 E-mail :   enquiries@hkcr.org
 Homepage :   www.hkcr.org

 [ ASM Poster ]    [ First Announcement ]


 Place   Chang Yung-fa Foundation,  International Convention Center
  Taipei,  TAIWAN
 Date   17-19  November  2018
 Registration /

[ Programme ]   [  QR Code ]


HKSNMMI    Scientific    Symposium

[ Member Registration ]



8th   IDKD   Intensive   Course   in   Hong   Kong

" Diseases of the Brain, Head and Neck and the Musculoskeletal System "

 Date  15-17  June  2018   (Friday  to  Sunday)

 Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)
 Level 2

 1 Expo Drive,  Wanchai,  Hong Kong SAR

 Organizers    IDKD ( International Diagnostic Course Davos )
 HKU ( University of Hong Kong )
 HKCR ( Hong Kong College of Radiologists )
 Contact  /


 Online Registration Website :  www.idkd.org
 Travel Agent :
 Connexus Travel Limited
 Unit 501, 5/F, Tower B, Manulife Financial Centre
 233 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon,
 Hong Kong
 Tel :    (852) 3151 8819
 Fax :   (852) 3154 6324

 E-mail :   idkd-hk2018@connexustravel.com
 Website :   http://www.idkd.org

[ Announcement ]   [ Programme ]   [ Poster ]


2018      A I R P    C o u r s e    i n    H o n g     K o n g
 Date  30 June - 2 July  2018   ( Saturday  to  Monday )
 Venue  Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR
 Organizers    American Institute for Radiologic Pathology (AIRP) and
 Hong Kong College of Radiologists (HKCR)

 Hong Kong College of Radiologists
 Room 909, 9/F
 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road
 Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR

 Tel :    (852) 2871 8788
 Fax :   (852) 2554 0739

 E-mail :   enquiries@hkcr.org
 Homepage :   http://www.hkcr.org

 Website :  https://www.hkcr.org/news.php/events_list/cid,1/nid,95

[ Course Info ]   [ Poster ]


Hong Kong Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

A G M    2018    and    A S M 

Date  12 March 2018  (Monday)

 Bauhinia Room, 4/F
 Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel
 No. 3 Canton Road, Harbour City
 Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


 Online Registration :


 Tel :  8100 2755

 Fax :  3526 4765

 [ Registration ]   [ Poster ]


[ Information ]


7th  Joint Scientific Meeting of The Royal College of Radiologists &
Hong Kong College of Radiologists
25th Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Radiologists

 Date  18-19  November  2017   ( Saturday & Sunday )

 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road,
Wanchai,  Hong Kong SAR

 Organizers    The Royal College of Radiologists and
 Hong Kong College of Radiologists
Registration /


 Online  Registration  :
 Event  Website  :

 Hong Kong College of Radiologists
 Room 909,  9/F
 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building
 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong SAR
 Tel :    (852) 2871 8788
 Fax :   (852) 2554 0739

 E-mail :   enquiries@hkcr.org
 Homepage :   www.hkcr.org

Poster ]  [ Programme ]




20-24 April 2018   |    Melbourne,   Australia

[ Poster ]  [ Information ]



[ Poster ]   [ Registration ]


Membership Application Form
Please download the Membership Application Form here.

2023 AIRP Course in Hong Kong

Date : 26-28 May 2023 (Fri-Sat)
Website : https://www.hkcr.org/news.php/events_list/cid,1/nid,174
Homepage : https://www.hkcr.org